What interested you in becoming a TSI Instructor?
I joined NWTA and became a TSI Instructor to become part of a local community that allows me to connect with others and learn more about them. Also, I wanted to share the knowledge and resources I have gained through my background in Landscape design and construction. I have a degree in Landscape Architecture with a focus on stormwater management and habitat rehabilitation. Becoming an instructor has been a great platform to share and learn.

What do you enjoy most about being a TSI Instructor?
I enjoy the sense of community shared amongst the individuals. Also, I enjoy seeing others leave class with a newfound understanding and appreciation for the planning that goes into designing and building sustainable trails.
Why do you think this program is important and/or why should folks participate in this program?
I believe this program is important because it empowers others to work on trails with shared knowledge and gets people outside working on a unified goal.
What aspect of trail maintenance/building can you nerd out on the most?
For me, I get excited about integrating a trail into the natural space in a way that looks like it was never disturbed. When performing maintenance or building a new trail I start with a plan in my head to save the existing landscape materials and put them back just up to the edge of the new line. I like to take something new and make it look like it has been there a while. Old school narrow and rugged single track is my jam.