Written by Scooter Sutterer

Portland was not the only place that suffered damage from the ice storm. Rocky Point has many, many trees and limbs down and lots of debris on the trails. On February 20th, we had a crew assess the damage; very few trails we spared. Some trees have completely fallen, others with the tops broken out, and limbs large and small covering the trails and logging roads. I would guess well over one hundred trees will need to be moved or cut to get the trail system running again.
Right now, I would suggest finding a different area to ride till we can get a plan in place to clear the trails. Please note: very few trail systems are clear, so check before you head out. If you do visit RP, you will not get far. In many areas, trees, large and small, are across the trail every 50 feet. From what I saw over three days, Andyland and RP United are the only clear trails.
Once we get a plan to clean up the damage, we will put out the call for certified sawyers and other volunteers to help move limbs, rake, and repair trails. Please refrain from any tree cutting till we get the plan together. Watch the website and social media for our information on when this major project will start.