By Ted Dodd

A heartfelt thank you to the 40+ volunteers who joined us on Saturday, November 16 for an incredible day building the CLIMB (Cascade Locks International Mountain Bike) Trail!
With perfect weather and unstoppable energy, we made big strides in trail construction and maintenance. We also hosted a Trail School, teaching new volunteers the art of sustainable trail building.

Because we had enough volunteers, we were able to do maintenance work on Trail 400. Trail 400 is now clear from Wyeth CG to Herman Creek. All the down trees have been cleared, vegetation was cut back, and trail ‘benching’ repair work was completed.

Let’s continue to grow Cascade Locks as a MTB destination. After your ride, grab a burger and beer in town, show your MTB pride, and support the community that supports our trails.

And yes… the CLIMB trail and Trail 400 is rideable throughout the wet season due to the rock and soil content. You can always check Trailforks for more info.
Cheers to sweet single-track trails!