There’s a push in Salem to create a state Office of Outdoor Recreation. Colorado, Utah and Washington have outdoor agencies, while California and New Mexico are considering legislation similar to Oregon’s. The office would promote and grow Oregon’s outdoor industry, which contributes an estimated $12 billion to the state economy.
Meanwhile, the Trump Administration’s proposed Fiscal 2018 budget reduces funding for the Department of Interior, which oversees the Bureau of Land Management, and the Department of Agriculture, which oversees the National Forest system. These cuts mean reduced funds for everything from local rangers and staff, to planning, managing volunteers, and trail work.
Clearly, changes need to be made. Please let your state legislator know that you support HB 3350, which creates Oregon’s Outdoor Recreation Office, Advisory Council and Fund. Follow that up with a message to your members of Congress about your priorities for the budget. It’s really easy, and you’ll help sustain the funding so crucial to our sport.