Trail School Students Tackle Drainage & Safety at Hagg Lake

Written by Paul Hobson

This Sunday, March 2nd, NWTA’s Trail Sustainability Institute (TSI) hosted students at Hagg Lake for another installment of Trail School: Fundamentals. 

There, students learned safe and proper usage of trail building tools. Being at Hagg Lake, the day’s lesson focused on hillside and trail hydrology, drain construction and maintenance, corridor clearing, proper tree limbing, and overall trail sustainability. 

Major accomplishments for the day included creating safer fall zones and sightlines around recent blowdown and tackling challenging drainage problems. This included addressing drainage and tread issues in two persistently muddy areas. Students also learned about trail aesthetics and renaturalizing areas where significant work or trail damage/widening has occurred. 

Join us for TSI’s next offering at Sandy Ridge on April 5th for an Advanced Trail School: Reinforcing Berms. No experience is needed to attend.