Written by Nell Stamper
April 13 was one of those perfect spring days at the Oregon Coast! We had sunny skies and comfortable temperatures, making it a great day to show some love to our trails at Klootchy Creek.

With crews working in different areas, the Local Stewardship Team (LST) knocked out some long-standing worklist items. One group built a berm at the last turn of Roller Coaster—a key safety improvement for this amazing green trail, and one that will help riders feel a lot more comfortable and secure when descending with some speed.

Another group did extensive repair work on the junction between Chris Cross and Mo Flow. Since these are some of Klootchy’s most heavily ridden trails, it was time to smooth out some ruts and bumps! That crew continued down MoFlo and gave all those turns some much needed TLC.

While these groups were working, we also had some individual volunteers working with machines and saws, clearing corridors and removing some downed trees along Toad’s. After all of this work was accomplished, we met in the parking lot for food, beverages, rides, and some giveaways of Klootchy merch! (Get yours by signing up for the next work party!!)

Thanks to everyone who came out …volunteers are the heart of NWTA and it’s so inspiring to see what a group of folks can accomplish in just a few hours. The Klootchy LST is psyched for the summer and we’ll see you out there!