Written by participant Troy Mesa
Rode on the beginner-guided ride at Rocky Point on September 10 with Elaine. It was amazing. Weather was perfect. Elaine taught us some basics about testing our bikes for safety, and after demonstrating that we had basic bike skills, we hit the trails.
We started off toward Andyland, a “green” cross country trail. It was a little tight with some overgrowth, but well balanced. Some ups and downs, lots of turns, but no major berms on banking turns. We took a few breaks along the way, even though mostly true beginners, everyone was able to keep up. It was probably a solid hour of riding.

Next, we hit The Hive, named for an old bee hive. It was a mild climb to the top, then swoosh! A true beginner downhill. Although short, it was exhilarating. It was neat to see our instructor come alive in her natural element and take off down the hill. There was no way the rest of us were ready to keep up.
Then we all met up at the bottom to make the trek back up the hill to the parking lot. Climbing is my weakness and Elaine had a lot of good advice to aid me. Can’t wait for the next group ride!”
Thank you
Troy Mesa