ADVOCACY ALERT!! Mountain bikers and off-road cyclists of Portland! We have an opportunity to put our voice into action by filling out this survey put on by Portland Parks and Recreation (PPR) with a DEADLINE of Tuesday 7/21. These are challenging times in our community, and this is an opportunity to voice what we NEED;

- A more sustainable & equitable system where cost isn’t a barrier for community members. We believe Black Lives Matter and it brought up a glaring deficiency. Our society has some serious setbacks when it comes to the outdoors and recreation; not everyone can access the outdoors in our local trails. Leaving out a category of users on trails is not equitable.
- All Portlanders, no matter their background, should be able to access trails via 2 wheels. NWTA feels that the most impactful thing we can do is advocate for trails in Portland Parks that allow access for everyone.
- Families should have safe access to trails that have a range of skill levels.
First, the survey will ask what you enjoy about Portland Parks & Rec. Then it will ask you “Thinking to the future, what do you want to see more of in your parks and recreation system?” Here is some suggested items to discuss:
I would like to see Portland Parks & Rec start to implement recommendations in the ORCMP to provide equitable recreation access across our city to people on bikes.
I would like to have the opportunity to volunteer and help PPR build and maintain trails in naturals that are open to bikes.
I would like to see existing trails open to bikes near my neighborhood so I can access nature without driving.
I would like to see new trails constructed across the city to allow a connected network that can be reached by bike. This creates opportunities for commuting & a safer transportation network that would reduce traffic on the roads.
Our trails are an important part of our health right now. With COVID, many of us turn to nature and activities such as biking to gain a stable mental wellness. This should be available to ALL. We need access to nature via non – motorized vehicles!
Please take 5 minutes to fill out this form. Link in bio under Portland Parks Survey.
And stay tuned for the upcoming hearing on July 22nd and how to sign up for it.