There are quite a few questions that come up on a regular basis about Rocky Point. Q&A is below, but it comes down to NWTA’s lease agreement with Weyerhaeuser, and the requirement that NWTA keeps track of who is using the property for safety and security reasons. Access to the property is free for all current NWTA members as long as they have signed a release of liability waiver (see below). Membership AND a waiver. There are no other options.
Why does NWTA need to track who is using the property?
Rocky Point is an actively managed forest. Weyerhaeuser does road work, pesticide and/or herbicide treatment, tree felling, surveying, log hauling, and tree planting – to name a few forestry operations. There are often safety issues relating to those operations and other related concerns. Knowing who is using the property allows NWTA to stay in contact by email and through social media to avoid any incidents. People who are not members can’t be contacted, and may come into conflict with forestry operations as a result. That must be avoided.
Why do we need to sign a waiver?
The Rocky Point lease agreement outlines liability and indemnification terms. That is an agreement between NWTA and Weyerhaeuser. The waiver restates similar terms for our members. That is an agreement between members and NWTA. To have access to the property you have to sign the waiver. You only need to do this once, not every year. Click for waiver
Why bike tags?
Weyerhaeuser patrols many actively managed forest properties just like Rocky Point. When Weyerhaeuser security shows up on routine patrol, seeing a bike with a tag tells them you have a right to be on the property. Your tag also identifies you to other members as someone who is doing their part not to jeopardize the lease agreement. We will issue new tags in a new color every summer. If you picked one up in the winter, you’ll need to get another one in the summer for the next year. Sorry if the color changes soon after you picked one up. You can pick up tags at designated locations (currently Fat Tire Farm, Cyclepath, Metropolis Cycles, and Trek Beaverton – check nw-trail.org/rocky-point for current information).
Why do I need to be a member of NWTA?
Besides being the most obvious way to guaranteed that you will have trails to ride, being a member of NWTA means we can communicate with you through our membership database. Anyone is welcome to Join, and access to Rocky Point is free. Because NWTA has an open line of communication with its members, NWTA members will receive safety notices about Rocky Point. Membership allows NWTA to keep track of people, communicate with them, and make Rocky Point access safe for everyone.
What about parking passes?
The old ones are still good. Keep using them as long as you like. They are very stylish. The member number tells us if you are current. For the new ones, we are working on an automated self-printing version you can put on your dash. Details soon. There will not be a second trip to the bike shop.
We know it’s not a perfect system
How things are managed is not perfect but it’s impossible to satisfy every nuance without incredible effort and complexity. A few common complaints that appear to have no reasonable solution:
- Tags renew July 1st. Membership anniversaries occur every day. There is no easy way around this that has not already been explored.
- Picking them up is inconvenient, but mailing them to thousands of members is extremely expensive. Think of it like all the other errands you run once a year. You probably need stuff at the bike shop anyway.
- It does not allow for day-use or guests of members because access is a membership benefit. Guests can join NWTA like anyone else though, and there are monthly memberships without minimum monthly terms.
- Yes, you may be a current member with the old color tag, and yes, someone else could pick up a new tag and have their membership expire the next day. Just please try to be the current member with the current tag.