By Ted Dodd
A massive round of applause for everyone who came out to Cascade Locks in 2023!

As the year wraps up, we completed close to 1,000 volunteer hours working on the new Cascade Locks trail, which is nothing short of extraordinary. Add that to our 2022 total, and we’ve collectively poured in a whopping 1,267 hours into this project! And we have just started.

Here’s a quick update on our recent victories and what’s coming up:
- Professional trail building crew: in the next couple months the professional trail-building maestros will kick off their work. The professional build is being contracted by the Port of Cascade Locks and part of the entire 15-mile trail system plan. More updates are coming soon.
- Rock section triumph: The technical hand-built rock section is officially wrapped up! We’ve conquered this challenging stretch of trail, and we’re about to make significant gains in our trail building.
- EasyCLIMB Cleared: Winter weather in the Gorge is always fun and exciting, and true to form it recently resulted in downed trees on the EasyCLIMB trails. All the downed trees are now cleared, so fingers crossed we don’t get another round of rough weather any time soon! (NWTA footnote: THANK YOU, Ted, for clearing the trees!)

Our next ‘official’ Build Days are on:
Saturday, January 13th – Sign up is live!
Saturday, February 10th
Sunday, March 17th

Save the date! The Cascade Locks Campout in the on May 3-5, 2024 will celebrate our accomplishments with group rides, trail work, and social time/campout. This will be a big event and we already have secured the group campsites at the FS Wyeth Campground. So save the date so that you and your family can attend!
A special shoutout to Andy Jansky for having worked with the US Forest Service from darn near the beginning in helping bring this trail project to life. Thank you Andy!!

Here’s to a new year filled with even more sweet single-track adventures! Happy trails and a Happy New Year to all.