Written by Nancy Stone, Education & Sustainability Director ([email protected])

Crew Leaders, by nature, are typically a hearty bunch of folks. This was put to the test when both new and established Crew Leaders gathered at Sandy Ridge on Saturday (12/11) for Crew Leader training. As temperatures hovered around 40° and the rain poured down, these leaders stuck it out under tents and around propane heaters and made the best of the less than ideal weather, all while maintaining high spirits.
The Trail Sustainability Institute’s Crew Leader Training focuses on giving new Crew Leaders all of the tools they need to be successful leaders on the trail. Yes, being a Crew Leader is about leading a group of volunteers. Still, even more so, it’s about teaching, growing people’s skills, and understanding why we focus on sustainability, safety, communication, and advocacy and for them to be able to share that with others. NWTA’s Crew Leaders are a HUGE part of what makes our organization as successful as it is––we do not take that lightly! We are so proud to have these Crew Leaders onboard, and we look forward to the stoke they bring to the trail.
“NWTA is more than just a trail crew. They are helping build a community of trail advocates, which will continue to pave the way for strong relationships with landowners and trail users. They do a great job of explaining what is expected when you join their Crew Leadership team. They value all their volunteers, and it shows in the training. They encourage people to learn and step out of their comfort zone, making people better leaders. It was a great experience, and you know your partnering up with the right crew when everyone has no problem hanging out under tents in the pouring rain for over 6 hours to do training.” –– Kirby Bedsaul (newly minted Crew Leader)