Written by Matt Novak

On April 17th from 10 am to 1 pm a maintenance party commenced at EasyClimb in Cascade Locks.
Before a maintenance party of this size can happen, the Port of Cascade Locks has to be notified, and NWTA (me) has to bring it to the monthly commissioner meeting if additional maintenance or outreach needs to occur.
The event was led by myself on behalf of Jeffery Russell, a boy scout working on his Eagle. Jeffrey needed experience in organizing and leading maintenance parties.
We had ten workers and parents to provide oversight during the event.
As a group we:
- Racked all of the Northern section
- Removed and Replaced the Bridge “a wood Pallet” donated by Hardwood Pallets in Gresham.
- Clean out the Ditch line, put in a new Pallet, and provide a smooth path for all walks of life to be able to walk safely on the bridge and transition onto the trail. The new bridge will also ensure the trail will not wash away in the winter when the rains come.
- Existing Berms were rebuilt and established as part of the swoopy single track that exists at EasyClimb.

Current Trail Update: I can tell you by experience that the entire trail is ready to ride.
Our next scheduled event is set for May 8th, 2021, where Jeffery Russel will continue to work on his Eagle.
During this time, we will cover the central and southern sections of the Trail.
Matt Novak, your NWTA Trail Steward
Questions? Email [email protected]