A small but mighty group of volunteers partnered with Portland Parks and Recreation to hand clear the downed trees and debris from Firelane 5 on Wednesday, April 20th. Initially, NWTA had a work party scheduled at Powell Butte; however, with a surprise mid-April snowstorm, efforts shifted to help open trails at Forest Park.

As the official volunteer stewards for the trail, we went into action. We cleared branches and debris; 2 larger trees remain that will be taken care of by PP&R staff. We cleared the drains along the trail to help with the water flow. A BIG thank you to Chris, Glenn, and Stephanie for answering the call to action. Thank you to our partner and Park Trails coordinator, Jill, for leading the way and for the coffee & donuts!

Damage to the parks on the westside from the storms and high winds is extensive. To get the latest information go to Portland Parks & Recreation’s website. Trial Closures & Delays.Â
Want to get involved in our work at the park? Email [email protected].