Written by Isabella Taylor

The Gateway Green session on August 28th (p/b River City Bicycles and Northwest Trail Sisters) was a smashing success. It was a night filled with skills progression, connection, and too many “yews” to count in retrospect.
The night began with getting everyone acquainted in a quick group huddle, and then we split off into two groups geared towards different disciplines and interests. One group, led by Sarah and Dani of the RCB team, led riders through the techy trails on the east side of the park. The other group, led by Isabella of the RCB team, stuck near the pump track and jump lines and focused on getting rowdy in the air. The one crash of the night was awarded to Alexander, who courageously rode his drop-bar steed a bit too hot into a pump-track berm and (despite a sore thumb) lives to tell another tale and take another turn.
Eventually, both groups migrated back together for refreshments. We ended the night with some pretty darn deep and philosophical conversations and left with a newfound sense of community and slightly sore arms (thanks, pumptrack). Join us at the next one at Rocky Point on September 24th! Click the button below to register.