More than ever, member meetings have become times of celebration. One of the lessons (among many) we’ve learned through COVID is not to take anything for granted. That includes in-person member meetings at our favorite place, Hopworks. Last Tuesday (Jan. 25), many of us gathered together to hear updates on our favorite trails, a recap of our collective work in 2021, upcoming projects for 2022, and to vote on board members. But it was more than that.
In between beers, burgers, nachos, and pizzas, long-time friends and trail-building teammates caught up, shared stories, and enjoyed time meeting face-to-face. Each weekend we’re off riding and building trails in our little slice of NW Oregon and SW Washington … Sandy Ridge, Rocky Point, Tillamook Forest, Klootchy Creek, and more. But this evening, we were all brought together under one roof to celebrate and plan for a better mountain biking future in our region.
We are a volunteer-run organization with over 6,000 members. Each of the board members is also a volunteer. That means our passion for mountain biking and creating more access to trails genuinely is making a difference. Each year we log thousands of volunteer hours. Not only that, but we advocate for and partner with a variety of entities and organizations, government and private, to make this happen.

This was indeed a night of celebration. More than celebrating trails, it was a celebration of you. Thank you!
Thank you Hopworks for hosting us!!!!