Kids Ride at Rocky Point Recap

By Elaine Bothe 

The day was another warm one for our Kid’s Ride at Rocky Point on Sept. 10, 2023. We met the kids one by one as they rolled in, introducing ourselves, checking the bikes for safety and making sure everyone had water and snacks with them. While we waited for the last one or two, some of the kids warmed up by riding up and down the hill in the parking lot!

Eventually we were ready to set out. We enjoyed most of the shady RP trail, but not so much the very first pitch up after the road crossing! After walking up that, we rode out to the gravel road, took a short water break and cruised down the hill. We stopped for some group photos at the Hive trail then made our way to the top of that hill. 

The Hive downhill was challenging but a blast! So much fun the kids voted to go ride up the gravel road so they could go again. After that second run, we found some shade and took a longer break to energize ourselves for the big climb back out to the RP trail. 

All in all, everyone did fantastic and we ended with smiles on our faces. 

Big thanks go to Trek Bicycles, Project^ the trailbuilders whose handiwork we certainly enjoyed, and Coach Elaine Bothe. These rides would not happen if it weren’t for all of you! 

Photo by Elaine Bothe