Written by Nell Stamper

KLOOTCHY CREEK TRAIL SYSTEM CLOSED: Due to the recent record-breaking heat and high fire danger, the land managers at Klootchy Creek have closed all recreational use of the property. We are not sure how long the closure will last, and we are working closely with Greenwood Resources to get safe access as soon as possible. In the meantime, please help us by respecting the closure! We will post updates on Facebook and Instagram. You can also get or renew your free annual permit for Klootchy Creek here, which will get you on their mailing list for direct updates.
BUT WE ARE STILL RIDING! The North Coast chapter of NWTA will be holding beginner and women’s rides in August at a variety of other sites on the coast, including some free fundamental skills sessions! We will also be getting together to talk about bikes and enjoy beverages at a few different venues. Watch our social media for announcements, or sign up for emails about events on our webpage.