Meet NWTA member, Kelcy King! Kelcy is a real estate agent (known as the biking broker) in Portland. We met Kelcy the first time at the Gateway Green MTB Fest last year. At the time, Kelcy was just getting back into mountain biking. But she jumped in head first. She joined the Dream Team at Mountain Bike Oregon, has rolled up her sleeves at work parties and has been a staple at NW Trail Sisters events.
Thank you, Kelcy, for being a part of our MTB community!

What you love about mountain biking.
Presence. There is nothing like a climb to bring me to the present moment. As many others experience, I live a life connected to devices and technology and being on a bike in the woods or in the dusty desert provides me with peace that is inaccessible otherwise.
Community. In 2018 I challenged myself to seek connection with a community outside the one I have known. I found the Northwest Trail Alliance and through this community I found the Northwest Trail Sisters. Being somewhat new to the sport and super new to group rides, the Trail Sisters have been a deep well of support through organized rides, workshops, and get togethers.
Your favorite place to ride in the Portland/Vancouver area.
Syncline. As a Colorado native, Syncline has felt a bit like home. A mid-week fall day, sans wind, with the pup is perfection.
What bike you ride.
Norco Sight. Newest addition to my collection of two wheeled loves.
How long you’ve been riding/mountain biking.
About a year after a 10 year hiatus. I rode, with zero ounces of seriousness, on the trails of Lory State Park and Horsetooth Park growing up then found myself “bike packing” in college between Greeley and Fort Collins many weekends. 2006 did not see bike packing as the world sees it now, 😉 I have been a lifelong commuter, in 2018 I found myself craving dirt vs pavement and I started my journey of reconnection!
Why did you join the Northwest Trail Alliance?
Community. Back to the first question, the NWTA provides an unbelievable amount of support to riders, newbies and seasoned, and a deep, deep love and advocacy for the trails.
Trail work. Do it. “We dig where we ride” is the mantra and allows me to connect with people, the dirt, and gives me a whole new appreciation for the trails.
Join or renew your NWTA membership today! You’ll be helping to keep trails like Sandy Ridge open and accessible AND you’ll get an entry into IMBA’s drawing for a new Pivot bike AND, if you become a sustaining member, you’ll get an entry into NWTA’s membership raffle at our May 28 member meeting!