Proposed Sandy Ridge Trailhead Improvements –
Here is the weblink
Comments can be posted from 11/09/2016 – 12/08/2016.
Notes you will need when submitting a comment:
- EA # DOI-BLM-ORWA-S040-2016-0025-EA
- Project Name: Sandy Ridge Trailhead Access Improvements EA-Nov2016
Talking points:1) Thank you for making the parking and trailhead improvements2) I am in favor of the project.3) As a member of NW Trail Alliance (NWTA), I want to thank you for finding ways to continue to strengthening our relationship. As a member of NWTA, we enjoy working with BLM to build and maintain the mountain bike trails we love to ride. We are excited about the possibly of creation additional mountain biking trails on other BLM lands along the Hwy 26 corridor on Mt Hood.
Questions about the project can be directed to
Dan DavisOutdoor Recreation