Written by Allie Hurtgen, NWTA Instructor
On Tuesday, May 24th, the NW Trail Sisters met at Sandy Ridge for a cornering skills clinic led by NWTA Coaches Allie and Nancy. The stoke was high and all of the women showed huge progress in their cornering!

The clinic started with a warm-up in the parking lot where riders practiced bike/body separation. Then the group ran through a series of cone drills to learn the basics of cornering: looking through the turn, leaning the bike, and body position. It didn’t take long for the women to start cheering each other on and helping one another, a testament to the great community within the Trail Sisters.

After mastering the cone drills the group took their new skills to the trail and sessioned corners on Laura’s Line.

The clinic concluded with the women sharing their feedback: “I feel more confident,” “Corners have been explained to me a few times, but tonight it finally clicked and I understand what I need to do,” and “I’m excited to have found more rad women to ride with!”
Thank you to all who attended! Stay tuned to the NWTA Calendar, Facebook, and Instagram pages for more NW Trail Sisters clinics and group rides.