Written by Elaine Bothe
PP&R and NWTA’s Kids Camps got the groove down!

Now in our third year, we held four Summer Camps for kids at Gateway Green. We offered the morning camps, each four days of fun from Monday to Thursday throughout July. NWTA paired up with Portland Parks & Recreation to run the camps, and registration management was handled by the staff at Montavilla Community Center.
As always, it was great to meet a new group of kids each week and get to know each rider. Each week, it was sad to see Thursday come and go, but the following Monday, we’d be back at the Fred Meyer parking lot, excited to meet yet another new group.
And apparently many of the kids were also sad on Thursdays. And parents noticed the progression, and reported this was their kids’ favorite camp and how they couldn’t stop talking about it!
We started each day in the Fred Meyer parking lot with warm up laps, a few rounds of Foot Down, some skills such as basic body positions and pool-noodle limbo. Then it was time to ride into the park! We appreciated the new crossing at the MAX station’s north end with the bells and lights! So much simpler even with so many trains coming from different and new directions, and we could completely avoid crossing bus lines!
Once in the park, we took a few laps on the pump track and then split into two groups. One group hit the trails to work on cornering, climbing, descending, and technical sections appropriate for the skill levels. The other group continued riding at the pump track and skills area. After a break for snacks, the groups traded places, so everyone got a chance to ride trails and the skills area. Other activities included races both slow and fast, practicing track stands, and, a crowd favorite, timed pump track laps.
It was so wonderful watching the progress each kid made throughout the week. Some go from somewhat new riders to navigating the pump track and a lot of the other terrain Gateway Green has to offer. It’s great to have this place to learn and grow as a rider, no matter what level you are.
Instructors for these camps included Myles Ridge, Deidre Iwersen, Izzy Umberhandt, and Elaine Bothe.
A GIGANTIC thank-you for the support of the City of Portland Parks & Recreation, TriMet, Fred Meyer, Trek Bicycles, Lolo Racks, REI, Project^ and each trail builder, volunteer and Northwest Trail Alliance folks working so hard to keep Gateway Green going!
Photos by Elaine Bothe