Written by Dan Werle, Hagg Lake LST
On February 1st, seven dedicated volunteers, led by Crew Leader Charles Kim, set out to tackle a washed-out section of the Hagg Lake Loop Trail at Scoggins Valley in Gaston. This month marked the one-year anniversary of the landslide that forced the trail’s closure, making the team even more determined to complete the much-needed reroute and bring this section back to life.
Volunteers braved classic PNW winter conditions—temperatures in the low 40s, sporadic rain showers, and rare glimpses of sunshine. But the real challenge? The soil. If you’ve ever seen a soil texture triangle, imagine working with something positioned beyond the clay peak—a thick, sticky, unyielding mess that would make even the most skilled potter question their craft. It clung to boots, resisted shaping, and tested our patience. One volunteer nearly toppled over after both boots got stuck at once! And whenever someone struck dry dirt, there was an instant moment of shared joy (and a little jealousy).

What We Accomplished:
Despite the muddy conditions, our team—including Cary, Charles, Grayson, Mark, Samantha, Scott, Tim, and me, alongside Park Ranger Sean Little—pushed through and got the job done. By the end of the day, we had:
✅ Cleared a still-closed section on the south end of the rerouted area
✅ Installed a culvert on the top switchback
✅ Built two berms around the switchback platforms
✅ Regraded the slope leading to the upper portion of the lower switchback (or the lower portion of the upper switchback, depending on how you look at it!)

Next Steps & Upcoming Work Party
Before this section is trail-ready, we still need to:
🔹 Armor the area for long-term durability
🔹 Complete re-naturalization efforts
🔹 Add a short retaining wall between the upper and lower switchback segments
Want to get involved? Our next work day at Hagg Lake is coming up on March 2nd, when the Trail Sustainability Institute will be hosting a Trail Fundamentals class from 9 AM – 2 PM. Join us!
Huge thanks to our volunteers for their hard work, dedication, and humor in the face of mud!