On Thursday, November 18th, in partnership with Portland Parks & Recreation, a group of volunteers gathered at the Visitors Center at Powell Butte Nature Park to support NWTA in our stewardship to maintain the trails open to mountain bikes. This was the 1st work party open to the public since NWTA signed its stewardship agreement in early March 2020. In April of this year, we partnered with Catlin Gable school and held a Trail Sustainability Institue Trail School Class.
Focusing our efforts on The South Trail, the group split into three teams. Two tackled persistent drainage problem spots, and the third team hand raked the trail. Along with these three projects, the group had time to head into the meadow to install new and reinforce drainages. Thank you to our Local Stewardship lead Daveed F. for putting the event together & all the volunteers who joined us.
As the season winds down on trail work at Powell Butte, the team discussed our projects for the Spring. Be on the lookout for more volunteer opportunities in the New Year. If you have questions, email [email protected]