Written by Sarah Rogers
On Saturday, September 30th, River City Bicycles hosted their second women-led ride of the year at Rocky Point. The weather was perfect, and the trails even more so — as close to “hero dirt” as one could get!

We split into two groups of about ten each, with ride leaders Dani and Sarah taking beginners on the North Side trails, and Isabella and Geoff leading intermediates on the South Side. With North Side trails recently reopened, it was new terrain for both Rocky Point first-timers and seasoned northside riders alike! The Hive was a particular hit with its swoopy descent, and we were graced with the presence of THE Andy of Andyland while taking a break at a crossroads. The Intermediates played it choose-your-own-adventure style, with riders opting for additional features down Bob’s and Twisted Sisters. Grins grew and confidence built at the end of each rippin’ descent.

With perfect timing, both rides ended simultaneously as the sun dipped beyond the horizon. River City’s event extraordinaire, Mitchell, had prepared a post-ride feast of hot chili and sweet cornbread, pairing well with beverage donations from Hopworks and Liquid Death. While trading stories and chowing down, we watched a spectacular moonrise, a deep orange Harvest Moon, rising from the east.

More than a few riders were stoked for this ride, and plan to join us for River City’s last women-led ride on Halloween weekend, October 28th, for a night shred at Sandy Ridge (if open), or an alternate location (if Sandy is still closed). There are open spots for said ride, so sign up soon at https://www.eventbrite.com/e/group-night-ride-w-river-city-bikes-sandy-ridge-tickets-661418850587?aff=oddtdtcreator.

As a bonus, River City is hosting a fundraiser leading up to our last ride, for Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We’re raffling off some sweet merch from Smith Optics, Chrome Industries, and Patagonia, to benefit local non-profit Breast Friends. Learn more and purchase tickets here: https://www.rivercitybicycles.com/product/river-city-bicycles-breast-cancer-awareness-fundraiser-raffle-ticket-107555.htm.

See you later this month!