Written by Sarah Rogers

At the end of October, River City Bicycles and the Northwest Trail Alliance held its second annual Halloween weekend night ride at Sandy Ridge. The weather wasn’t as cooperative as last year, and the chilly 30-degree temperatures were partially to blame for a few last-minute cancellations.

Eleven strong souls did brave the cold, however, some even in festive clothing overtop layers of warm mountain bike gear. After a warm-up on Laura’s Line, we ascended en masse up the paved climb, to the top of Flow Motion, just as the sun was lowering on the horizon. The descent was rippin’ (and dry!), our lights blazing through the encroaching darkness.

By the time we descended Lower Hide & Seek, it was just our bar- and helmet-mounted torches leading the way through the black. Those who’d never ridden at Sandy RIdge before, and those who’d never ridden on trails at night, held high levels of stoke the whole way down (save for an incidental crash or two by the seasoned ride leaders… oops!).

Even though the beverage donations had run dry for this late-season shred, post-ride, we gathered as our ancient ancestors did, around a small propane fire pit in the parking lot, sharing cookies, crackers, and good company. What a way to close out the season of River City rides! We’re absolutely looking forward to next year’s rides, and from what we can tell from the riders who joined us this year, they are, too!