Written by Andrew Jansky
Good News! Rocky Point’s Southside trails are open. Following the President’s day storm, NWTA performed a comprehensive on-site wind and ice damage assessment, prepared a report, and discussed recovery parameters with the landowner to get approval to do the work to open the Southside. Scooter Sutterer then organized multiple small teams tasked with removal and debris clearing efforts.

Over the past week, at least 26 volunteers put in 234 hours of volunteer work to reopen 13.25 miles of trail on the Southside, along with the 1.25 gravel roads used by PGE and the landowner access the property. Damage consisted of numerous broken large tree tops, large limbs, and many medium-sized trees fractured or blown down over the trail. As most of the trails have been built or improved to meet our Trail Sustainability Institute guidelines, erosion and tread damage were minimal despite the significance of recent rainfall.

We are currently working with the landowner to determine how to approach reopening the Northside trails, balancing NWTA trail stewardship needs with upcoming harvest operations scheduling. For the near future (weeks, not months), Northside riding will be limited to RP United and Andyland, so go and explore the freshly groomed Southside.