Written by Bob Lessard

Attention: Access is limited on Rocky Point Northside trails due to windstorm blowdown. Many trails have too many trees down to be rideable. All Rocky Point Southside trails found on Trailforks are open. Please be mindful and aware of hanging trees and downed trees under tension.
Open on the Northside: RP United, Andyland, and Hornets remain open. Passage is limited in the Playground loop area.
Closed on the Northside: Expect many trees on Nettles, Strasser, Beerview, Missing Link, Friday 13, Mini-donut and all trails on the far backside of Rocky Point North.
Please do not remove any trees without NWTA permission ([email protected]). Weyerhaeuser will be performing salvage operations. Check the Rocky Point Page for the latest trail status information.
**photo from previous snow storm**
Please make sure to check our trails page here: Rocky Point
The NWTA Rocky Point Recreation Area is a leased property. NWTA members in good standing, have signed the online Rocky Point Waiver, have access to the area. To Become an NWTA member, head here: JOIN US!
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