Written by Jered Bogli

Winter has settled in at Rocky Point. This is the time of year when we get all our trail building done, the soil is easy to work, and it is often too wet to ride, so if you can’t ride, you might as well still be out in the woods. Recently we’ve had a few large storm cycles blow through; this means the trails can be very wet. All of the trail stewards and volunteers at Rocky Point would like to ask for your help in keeping the trails running smooth – please let Rocky Point dry for a couple of days after large rain events before you ride. By letting our trails dry out a bit, you minimize damage to the trails, and that keeps our stewards and volunteers focused on building new trails and making the existing trails even better – Let it dry before you ride!
We also have many new trails being built this winter; if you see a closed sign, please stay off the trail. If you want to experience some of these new trails, sign up for a “Saturday Session” to come out and build with us! Every Saturday, we are building the future at Rocky Point. They fill very fast, so when you see the announcement on Monday, sign up! This winter, we have logged over 500 volunteer hours on public work and education events at Rocky Point. Add to that an equal or greater number of hours by our dedicated stewards and trail gnomes, and you can see we have some momentum going!

You may have also noticed a Kiosk starting to take shape at the main parking area. The kiosk will provide shelter from the elements and function as a community message board to learn about what is going on at Rocky Point. Huge shout out to Geoff Sosebee, Tyler Howarth, Darren Singer, and Patrick Sweeney for bringing the kiosk to life.
We want to send a huge THANK YOU out to all of our crew leaders, volunteers, and trail stewards who dedicate a staggering amount of their time to Rocky Point; their energy, passion, and skill are remarkable. Additionally, a special thank you to Joel Blackmon for fixing up the NWTA trailer was a much-needed repair that made getting trail built much easier!