The trails at Sandy Ridge are a year round riding destination & with the amount of traffic it receives NWTA’s maintenance efforts consist of multiple work parties in both the Spring & the Fall. On Sunday November 17th 35 volunteers came together for the 2nd work party of the Fall season to work on repairing tread & berms as well as general maintenance on the trails.
The kind folks at evo-Portland fueled us up with coffee & yummy donuts while our Local Trail Steward lead Brent Sullivan went over work site safety & let us know our crew assignments.

We also had a special guest, Angie K. who works for the Portland Water Bureau as the invasive species coordinator. She was there to help us improve our practices when it comes to maintaining our dirt tools that travel to various locations Northwest Trail Alliance maintains. Angie brought us all brushes for our work boots & a set of brushes for NWTA to use & store in our trailer. Thank you Angie & the Portland Water Bureau!

After the work was done we were all greeted back at base camp with frosty beverages from Migration Brewing & pizza’s generously provided by event sponsor evo-Portland. The festivities concluded with a swag raffle for the volunteers from evo-Portland as well a special shuttle to the top of the system for the volunteers who still had some fuel left in the tank.
BIG THANKS to evo-Portland for all the support, extra trail builders, food, drink and raffle items. Our next & final work party of the Fall Season is coming up on Sunday December 1st. Details and sign ups can be found HERE.