Special Shoutout to Joe Rykowski

Written by Ted Dodd ([email protected])

Joe Rykowski (aka the godfather of Stub) has been instrumental at building trails at Stub for over a decade, starting at the LL Stub Stewart’s inception. Joe was key in building many trails in the MTB area and beyond. As a highly engaged volunteer at Stub, Joe also served as a Board Member, where he was highly successful in securing funds for purchasing our mechanized equipment and tools. He also secured grant money to build three bridges at Stub.

While Joe had drifted into trail builder retirement, he did make a reappearance this winter to help with the trail armoring project on the Williams Creek. He did what Joe likes to do most: running equipment. Over multiple weekends (in unpleasant weather), he and Milt Scholl hauled in 8 dump truck loads of rock 1/2 mile into Williams Creek using a Ditchwich and motorized wheelbarrow.

Joe is an excellent example of a trail builder with passion and dedication to NWTA and our mission to build amazing trails.