A small group gathered on Friday evening (8/20) at a grey and misty Marble Mountain Sno-Park to spend the weekend riding trails at the Mount St. Helens National Monument.
Saturday’s weather slightly improved and groups formed to do different activities for the day. Those who brought their kayaks went to paddle at Merrill Lake. A few rode the entire Ape Canyon/Smith Creek loop. A few opted to ride the trails from Marble Mountain to Ape Canyon & back. This connection to the very popular Ape Canyon trail is relatively new and was made possible by Jim Lemonds & the Growlers Gulch crew. From the parking lot at Marble Mountain to “The Lunch Log” on the Ape Canyon/Plains of Abraham Trail & back equates to approximately a 28-mile ride with about 4,000 feet of climbing.
There was a contingent of folks that arrived to do the moonrise ride at 5 pm. Although the clouds dampened the view of the moonrise good times were had by all. In total there were about 25 folks in attendance for the weekend.
Thank you to all!