Written by Nancy Stone

When Nell joined the board in 2021, we knew that NWTA was receiving a gift. What we didn’t know, and what we would slowly learn over time, was just how many gifts Nell had to offer. There, of course, were the tangible gifts of her serving as board secretary, becoming a USFS certified sawyer, a certified BICP bike instructor, Wilderness First Aid certified, a crew leader, ride leader, as well as an event coordinator.

Nell’s early days of volunteering with NWTA, even before board service, included being an integral part of the Klootchy Creek leadership team, where she helped shape that trail system into what it is today. She did that by securing crucial funding, working with land managers who were new to collaborating with a mountain bike organization, helping plan events, and growing a volunteer base at the coast.

Nell’s less tangible yet arguably even more valuable gifts lie in her calm confidence, level-headed approach to decision-making, and steady, kind, capable leadership style. These traits quickly and deservedly earned her the respect of her fellow board members. When Nell spoke, everyone listened; when Nell listened, everyone felt heard.
Whenever the board had challenging decisions to make or crucial changes, we looked to Nell for guidance. Nell led the process of hiring NWTA’s very first full-time Executive Director; she spearheaded the substantial undertaking of updating the organization’s elections process and helped take on the challenging task of overhauling outdated bylaws while serving on the bylaws committee.

Although Nell’s board service is coming to an end, we are grateful that she is not going far. Nell has assured us that she still plans on staying involved in the organization in a leadership capacity. Yet another gift! It is with heartfelt gratitude and respect that we say thanks to Nell for being an incredible human who has given so much of her time and talents to NWTA.