night ride

Tuesday Night MTB Lights – 7/16

NWTA Tuesday Social Tuesday MTB Lights Night Ride at Stub Stewart State Park This is a “no drop” ride. Be ready to roll at 8:30pm. This ride also requires a special use permit in addition to the parking fee. The special use permit will be handed out before the start of the ride for display … Read More

Friday Night MTB Lights at Stub Stewart – 1/13

NWTA Friday Night MTB Lights Night Ride at Stub Stewart State Park REGISTER HERE. This is a “no drop” ride. Be ready to roll at 6:15. This ride also requires a special use permit in addition to the parking fee. The special use permit will be handed out before the start of the ride for … Read More

Friday Night MTB Lights at Stub Stewart – 12/9

NWTA Friday Night MTB Lights Night Ride at Stub Stewart State Park REGISTER HERE. This is a “no drop” ride. Be ready to roll at 6:15. This ride also requires a special use permit in addition to the parking fee. The special use permit will be handed out before the start of the ride for … Read More

Night Ride at Sandy Ridge with River City Bicycles Recap

Written by Sarah Rogers This past “Halloweekend,” River City Bicycles and the Northwest Trail Alliance hosted the last in their series of women-led mountain bike rides. An auspicious 13 riders braved the elements, which turned out to be rain-free and relatively warm. With rainbow lights and one bedazzled disco-ball helmet in tow, we climbed the … Read More

Friday Night MTB Lights at Stub Stewart – 11/11

REGISTER HERE. This is a “no drop” ride. Be ready to roll at 6:15. This ride also requires a special use permit in addition to the parking fee. The special use permit will be handed out before the start of the ride for display in your vehicle. A good riding light is required. Two are … Read More

Stub Stewart Night Ride Recap

What a great night it was for a night ride!  On Friday, October 14, eighteen riders joined our Stub Steward LST for a great ride on Unfit Settlement and Shoofly.  The two trails made for a ride of just under an hour and a half, with 8.7 miles and 1200 ft of elevation gain.  The no drop … Read More

Friday Night MTB Lights at Stub – 10/14

Night Ride + Beer = NWTA Stub MTB Social This is a “no drop” ride.  A good riding light is required. Two are recommended, one for your bars and one for your helmet. Typical ride is climb up to Unfit Settlement, then ride Shoofly, optional Williams Creek Loop, then back to Hilltop. This is around … Read More