Owen Rodabaugh, long-time NWTA member who joined our Board of Directors in August 2018, marked the end of his Board service this month. Owen’s contributions to the leadership of NWTA are numerous!
At the start of Owen’s Board service, NWTA was experiencing organizational growth in membership that is now an integral part of our community. Owen played a critical role during this period of growth, creating a foundation of structure and stability at NWTA that we have today.

At the beginning of his Board service, he was tasked with filling the long-vacant role of Stewardship Director. Starting from scratch, he helped us streamline our tool and equipment inventory, and worked closely with our Local Stewardship Teams (LST) to support their work on the trails.

In 2019, Owen became our Secretary and managed the laborious task of maintaining our insurance policies. In 2020, he transitioned into the role of Treasurer, one of the most important positions at NWTA.
Along with his service on the Board of Directors, Owen dedicated so much of his time in training to become one of our machine operators, then used these skills to help build new trails at Rocky Point. Owen is also proficient in maintaining our machines and heavy equipment, a rare mechanical skill and often spent his free time diagnosing and repairing them.

Just this past year, Owen led the search committee for NWTA’s first full-time Executive Director. He also currently serves on the Oregon Recreation Trails Advisory Council (ORTAC).
Please join us in thanking Owen for his service and for all the great work he did to get NWTA to where we are today. We will miss your leadership, and we look forward to seeing you out on the trails!