Written by Nathan Frechen
We got lessening rain and reasonable temperatures last Sunday (Dec. 10) to continue the tune-up on Gales Creek between Bell Camp and Gales Creek Campground. Given the several days of colder temperatures and heavy precipitation, we opted to start from Gales Creek Campground rather than risk the drive up to the top of the ridgeline on Bell Camp only to find treacherous driving and/or working conditions. The good news is that the recent rain made it easy to see where water was pooling on the trail. We improved 1.5 miles of tread by fixing sloughing, removing blowdown, and removing trail debris. Plenty of elk sausage and hot dogs were consumed, cans were emptied, muscles were sore, and fun was had! Thanks again to Cyclepath NW for providing a ton of labor, ALL of the food, and a ton of fun!

Next work party scheduled for Saturday January 27th next year, let me know if you’re interested. I’ll send out reminders as we get closer.