Written by Ted Dodd ([email protected])

Notice from the Rangers at L.L. Stub Stewart State Park
Effective 10/19/21: Temporary closure at southern Shoofly bridge due to bridge failure. OPRD advises the public not to cross the bridge or attempt creek crossing. Please find an alternate route and plan accordingly. Updates on the issue will be posted on OPRD’s website.
— Message from NWTA —
1) Rider safety is a priority, and we support this bridge closure.
2) Because the Shoofly trail is essential to the mountain bike community, OPRD has put this project at the top of their list.
3) NWTA and OPRD have assigned a joint task force working on both a temporary fix and a long-term solution.
4) In support of the land manager’s directive, we strongly discourage going through the bridge closure or through the creek crossings until we have an OPRD approved plan.
5) This bridge closure effectively closes the Shoofly trail at the top (near the Freeride area), and OPRD has installed trail/bridge closure signs encouraging people to turn around.
6) This bridge problem was a surprise to everyone, and we are already taking action. Thank you for your patience and understanding as we craft a solution.