Somewhere over the rainbow … 26 people removed 35 logs across 10 miles of trail. Ok, so maybe that all happened *under* the rainbow, but what a magical, misty day it was to almost finish the rebuilding efforts on the Gales Creek trail in the clearcut. Three cheers for this crew! The next big work party in the Tillamook is planned for Saturday, February 1, to finish up the work in the clearcut.

Save the date for Saturday, March 29! NWTA is joining up with Westside Trail Federation, Trailkeepers of Oregon, and Oregon Equestrian Trails – OET for a huge trail day in the Tillamook State Forest. Together, we’ll clear brush, remove downed trees, and get the trails ready for users to enjoy all year long.
Sign up at:…/wilson-river-trail-mega-work…/

Special thanks to State Forests Trust of Oregon and Daybreak Racing for supporting this event!