Weekly Regional Roundup

Here’s your NWTA Weekly Roundup of all the MTB-related happenings locally and a little further afield.  Look for updates on or around Wednesday each week and check out our Community Calendar for longer range planning. We hope to see you on the trail!

*Inclusion in this list does not indicate an NWTA connection; we’re here to spread the word for all our friends and partners across the region.

Tuesday, April 24

Social.  NW Trail Sisters happy hour.  We’ll be chatting about international MTB travel and NWTA’s upcoming ladies’ events. Interested in helping make those happen? Join us at Velo Cult from 6-7

NWTA Member meeting @ Velo Cult.  Happy hour from 6-7; meeting from 7-8.

Wednesday, April 25

Ride! Dirty Fingers Wednesday evening ladies-only ride!  Meet at Dirty Fingers in Hood River. Roll out at 5:30 sharp.  Guided tour of Post Canyon followed by drinks and chats back at the shop.

Thursday, April 26

Clinic:  Join us for NWTA’s women, trans & femme wrench clinic at Bike Farm.  The mechanics from Gladys Bikes will go over suspension setup, basic maintenance and how to deal with trailside emergencies.  More details and registration here.

Ride! Ladies’ night @ the Lumberyard starting at 6.

Social/Fundraiser: Filmed by Bike Bike Bingo @ Radio Room from 6-8.

Friday, April 27

Ride! Disciples of Dirt’s Spring Barbie Camp is back! Join them in Sisters for a few days of awesomeness. http://www.disciplesofdirt.org/node/2952

Fundraiser: Head out to the Hood River Elks Lodge and support HRATS in building a Velosolutions Pump Track! Live music, raffle and more.  More details available here.

Saturday, April 28

Ride! NWTA group ride at Stub! Come do a pre-ride of the LapQuest route.  Meet at 10 at the Buxton trailhead. Note: this ride is best suited for intermediate to advanced riders.

Disciples of Dirt’s Spring Barbie Camp is back! Join them in Sisters for a few days of awesomeness.  http://www.disciplesofdirt.org/node/2952

Join the Evergreen Dirt Skirts for some ladies’ rides at Sandy Ridge.  If you’ve been on the fence about checking out this awesome NWTA trail system, here’s your chance for a little no-pressure tour. Let them know if you can join in on the fun! Debbie will be leading a beginner’s ride https://www.facebook.com/events/160269088015329/ and Lainey will take out the intermediate shredders https://www.facebook.com/events/2058236194458553/?notif_t=plan_user_invited&notif_id=1522423936715066

Clinic: Curious about trail building? The Oregon Timber Trail Alliance is hosting a two-day workshop in Oakridge led by the US Forest Service on Technical Skills for Backcountry Trail Maintenance.  http://oregontimbertrail.org/events/trail-building-skills-treadwork-101

Sunday, April 29

Ride! The NW Trail Sisters Sturdy Dirty Stoke! If you’re thinking about getting into enduro racing, this is the perfect race for you! It’s a low-pressure, women’s-only race series.  Several of the NW Trail Sisters have raced in the series before and had the best time! Come out on Sunday, bring your bike and bring your questions.  Meet at Gateway Green around 4. If the rain gods prevail, we’ll relocate to the Lumberyard.  Check the FB for updates.

Disciples of Dirt’s Spring Barbie Camp is back! Join them in Sisters for a few days of awesomeness.  http://www.disciplesofdirt.org/node/2952

Trail Karma: Join the Hood Rats at 9:30 at the Family Man Staging Area and help get the Post Canyon trails in shape for the season.

Race: Bear Springs Trap MTB XC. Their slogan is “Don’t get lost or a bear will get you …”.  ‘Nuff said. Register by 4/27!

Clinic: Curious about trail building? The Oregon Timber Trail Alliance is hosting a two-day workshop in Oakridge led by the US Forest Service on Technical Skills for Backcountry Trail Maintenance.  http://oregontimbertrail.org/events/trail-building-skills-treadwork-101

Wednesday, May 1

Ride! Dirty Fingers Wednesday evening ladies-only ride!  Meet at Dirty Fingers in Hood River. Roll out at 5:30 sharp.  Guided tour of Post Canyon followed by drinks and chats back at the shop.


5/5/18 – NW Trail Sisters ride with River City @ Gateway Green

5/19/18 – NW Trail Sisters ride with River City @ Family Man or EasyCLIMB

5/19/18 LapQuest @ Stub Stewart!

5/20/18 Sandy Ridge dig day.


What’s coming up that you’re stoked about? Let us know by emailing loris@nw-trail.org.

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