Huge shout out to our sponsors: Shimano, Anthill Films and Bike Gallery!
Happy Father’s Day for all the dads out there!! We hope your weekend is full of fun and family on the trails and off. Here’s a little cheat sheet for father/kids/partner activities coming up. Check out our Community Calendar for longer range planning. We hope to see you on the trail!
*Inclusion in this list does not denote an NWTA connection; we’re here to spread the word for all our friends and partners across the region.
NOTE: Unless a group ride indicates that it is an NWTA, NW Trail Sisters or Dusty Dads & Muddy Moms ride, it is not affiliated with the NWTA. Please be prepared to self-support on any group ride or event that you attend and be mindful of the skill level required to participate. If you’re unsure of your level, check out our skill level guide as a starting point.
Friday, 6/14
Demo. If you can’t make it to Outerbike in Idaho next weekend, the next best thing is coming through town today. Canyon will be out at Sandy Ridge today with a whole slew of demo bikes to check out. Stuck at work? I think you feel a cold coming on that only a bit of MTB can remedy. More details here.
Demo. Cascade Bikes is hosting Rocky Mountain demos out at Stub Stewart today! Demo bikes are first come first served, so get out there early and check out the improvements our trail teams have been working on in the freeride area! More details here.
Ride! Our friends and supporters at Fat Tire Farm are hosting weekly Forest Park rides! Meet at FTF around 6, pedal up Leif Erickson the up Saltzman, down fire lane 5 and back to the shop. Total ride is about 15 miles. Get it!
Saturday, 6/15
Demo. Sagebrush Cycles in Bend is hosting an Orbea demo at Phil’s on Saturday. If you’ll be spending the weekend in the high desert, might as well check it out. More details here.
Demo. Fat Tire Farm is hosting Rocky Mountain demos today! Call ahead to reserve your bike! 503-322-3276
Pedalpalooza! The Wandering Bare is hosting a naked mountain bicycling event in Bend today. More details here.
Sunday, 6/16
Pedalpalooza! Join the Urban Adventure League for the Rough Stuff Country Bike in the City Ramble Pedalpalooza ride. Bring your knobby tires and explore some paths less traveled in Portland. More details here.
Monday, 6/17
Ride. Join Rivercity’s Low Pressure women’s MTB Monday morning rides at Post Canyon for an upper intermediate/advanced group ride. More details and RSVP here.
Tuesday, 6/18
Ride. One good thing about this infernal heat wave (that is, thankfully, on its way out) is that even though Mt. Hood recently got snow, the Ski Bowl Bike Park is now open! Get out there and ride!
Thursday, 6/20
Ride! Join Evergreen SW for their Thursday Night Ride @ Cold Creek! More details here.