Happy June!! June is the best month in Portland. Why? Pedalpalooza, that’s why! It’s a month-long festival of bikes. So, check out the Pedalpalooza calendar and get out there (hint: there’s even a naked MTB ride on there, just sayin)! Here’s a sampling of our fave Pedalpalooza and other rides and events coming up to help you with your planning for the next week. Check out our Community Calendar for longer range planning. We hope to see you on the trail!
*Inclusion in this list does not denote an NWTA connection; we’re here to spread the word for all our friends and partners across the region.
NOTE: Unless a group ride indicates that it is an NWTA, NW Trail Sisters or Dusty Dads & Muddy Moms ride, it is not affiliated with the NWTA. Please be prepared to self-support on any group ride or event that you attend and be mindful of the skill level required to participate. If you’re unsure of your level, check out our skill level guide as a starting point.
Friday, 6/7
Pedalpalooza! Do you bike commute to work? Then pop by Breakfast on the Bridges (every Friday in June) for some coffee and tasty treats!
Party! It’s Camas Bike’s 10-year anniversary and they are throwing a kicking party! Live music, raffle and more! Check it out and go say congrats to this awesome supporter of the MTB community.
Pedalpalooza! Bikes, Beach, campfire, beats? Yup. Do it. Rolling from NE Portland at 7ish.
Ride! Our friends and supporters at Fat Tire Farm are hosting weekly Forest Park rides! Meet at FTF around 6, pedal up Leif Erickson the up Saltzman, down fire lane 5 and back to the shop. Total ride is about 15 miles. Get it!
Saturday, 6/8
Dig. NWTA adopted the Wilson River Trail and we need your help to clean it up for the season! If you hike or bike this trail, you know how awesome it is. Come out and join us as we get it into tip top shape. More details and registration here.
Dig. Gonna be out on the other side of town this weekend? Head on up to Surveyors and help 44 Trails with a little trail maintenance. These trails are sweet! Help 44 Trails keep them that way. More info & sign up here.
Ride, Camp, Demo! Our friends to the north, the Evergreen Mountain Bike Alliance, have an MTB bike festival happening this weekend at Duthie! It’s fun for the whole family and DEMOS! So many demos. More details here.
Pedalpalooza! Check out the Fanno Creek Trail on this family friendly tour hosted by the Tualatin Hills Park & Recreation Dept. More details here.
Sunday, 6/9
Dig, Eat & Ride. Has that closed trail at Sandy Ridge been driving you nuts? Join us for a little digging at Sandy, BBQ sponsored by Fat Tire Farm, maybe some post dig shuttles for our volunteers and the BLM grand opening of Johnny Royale! More info & sign up here.
Dig. Spring rains bring summer flowers – and weeds. Lots and lots of weeds. A crew of NWTA volunteers will be out at EasyClimb brushing back the encroaching weedies and could use some helping hands. More info & sign up here.
Clinic. Are you an advanced rider and looking to dial in some skills? Get out to Hood River and join coach, Bekah Rottenberg with NW Excursions for an advanced skills clinic. There are just a few spots left for Sunday’s clinic. More info and register here.
Ride, Camp, Demo! Our friends to the north, the Evergreen Mountain BIke Alliance, have an MTB bike festival happening this weekend at Duthie! It’s fun for the whole family and DEMOS! So many demos. More details here.
Monday, 6/10
Dig. NWTA and Trail Keepers of Oregon are working on completing the Williams Creek project at Stub Stewart and could use your help. The first in a series of dig days is happening June 10. Join us and bank some trail karma! More info & sign up here.
Pedalpalooza! Discover the westside trails and paths less traveled. More details here.
Tuesday, 6/11
Dig. Trail Keepers of Oregon’s Williams Creek project is still going. Get out there. You know you want to! More info & sign up here.
Build, Ride, Eat! NWTA is doing some serious renovation to the freeride area at Stub Stewart. Join us as we build, then ride and then eat some noms. More info here.
Wednesday, 6/12
Dig. Yup. Trail Keepers are still out at Stub. Get out of the office and get dirty on the trail! More info & sign up here.
Thursday, 6/13
Ride! Join Evergreen SW for their Thursday Night Ride @ Cold Creek! More details here.
Ride! Join Evergreen SW for their Thursday Night Ride @ Cold Creek! More details here.
Pedalpalooza! A staple of Pedalpalooza is the Bike Play and this year’s play will give you a great justification for all of your off-road bikes in your garage! What else would you ride when the big one hits? More details here.