
SHIFT was a HUGE success!!

This year’s SHIFT produced great results and was a total blast!  Last weekend started with various group rides all over the mountain from Red Rocks, Blue Lake, Toutle Trail, to the epic Plains of Abraham and Smith Creek.  Saturday consisted with 80 people scattered over the mountain like a well orchestrated army working to clear … Read More

Help out NWTA for FREE!!!

Do you shop at Amazon or Fred Meyer? If so, help us out! Amazon:  Search Under the search bar, click “supporting”. Scroll down to “click your own charitable organization”. If you search “Northwest Trail Alliance”, we should be the first result. Next, click select on the right side. It is as simple as that. … Read More

Stub Fest 2017 VIDEO & PHOTOS

Thank You for helping make Stub Fest another success! Last weekend motivated volunteers gathered to work on multiple trail projects at L.L. Stub Stewart State Park during this multi-day event/campout. The weekend’s activities included a trail building class, BBQ social and night ride on Friday. On Saturday we put the tools to work and then … Read More

All Riders, All Trails

Observe the action at the Dirt Lab and it becomes readily clear that the experiment is engaging riders outside the NWTA’s current realm: Weekdays, you’ll see neighborhood moms, encouraging their charges (soon to be chargers) and, on weekends, adults on mountain bikes that were state-of-the-art a decade ago, all intermixed with our usual suspects on … Read More

Sandy Ridge Shuttle, Highlights + Photos

Not only did we raise $6,000+ for the ongoing development of the Sandy Ridge Trail system, but we had a blast doing it.  Once again this event sold out in advance and was a huge success. Special Thanks to Dennis Veatch and Shane Gould for organizing this event as well as the 30 + volunteers who … Read More

Vacation Party?

  After hosting many work parties and events, I have been amazed at how far people travel to help at our events, with the most recent traveling from Spain. So in the name of research, I decided to give a vacation work party a try. I joined the Maui Mountain Bike Coalition, a local IMBA … Read More

Volunteers Needed for Sandy Ridge Shuttle Day!

Our popular spring Sandy Ridge Shuttle fundraiser is back this Saturday, June 17th! Tickets are sold out but we are looking for a few more volunteers – please email Dennis Veatch if you’re interested! Thanks to our sponsors Fat Tire Farm, Bike Gallery, Hub, Acme, Yakima and The Lumberyard for helping to make this event … Read More

Build Something Meaningful

Creativity is gratifying personally, and when shared, it makes a better world. Building a trail is an exercise in creativity. Helping build a bike park, more so. A bike park strengthens the surrounding community. Outdoor recreation reduces crime rates, improves educational outcomes, and increases health and well-being. It’s a powerful economic engine that also creates … Read More