Written by Kelsea De Filippis

If you’re riding at Rocky Point, chances are you have seen Jered out on the trail building, riding, or stoking out volunteer groups. If you don’t think digging is fun, well, you probably haven’t met Jered. The Rocky Point lease was signed in August of 2019, which is how Jered came onto the team. “I wanted the folks who have always been working at RP to directly voice how the property was developed, so joining the board seemed like the best way to have that voice,” Says Jered.
Since that time, Jered has proven his spark and energy to get everyone involved, and by everyone, we mean all different types of groups. He is persistent in getting them out there every weekend, seasoned builders and new, older folks and young. NWTA is a volunteer-powered organization, so volunteer coordination is integral to structure.
Juntu Oberg, NWTA’s President and former Volunteer Director of NWTA, will be passing this role onto Jered. “We are excited to have Jered lead our volunteer efforts for the entire organization. His positive attitude, attention to detail, and desire to include all members of our community is in sync with NWTA’s mission to protect, improve, and build sustainable mountain bike trails while creating recreation opportunities for mountain biking,” Says Juntu.
Read more about Jered in his bio here.
You can reach Jered at [email protected]