We’re all limiting how far we travel and complying as best we can with the “Stay Home, Save Lives”* order, but that doesn’t have to mean zero biking adventures – after all we can still get out for some safe and distant exercise.
Where can you ride to from your house?
Do you have any close to home spots you’ve always wanted to explore on your mountain bike? Now is the time to ride from home and explore your immediate surroundings. Show us the fun stretches of trail in your neighborhood, the bit of hobo track you hit on your commute, maybe you’ve got urban spot you like ride. Did you just build a manual machine or turn your back yard into a bike park – let’s see it! Obviously, keep it legal and if you like your spot secret then don’t geotag it. Maybe there is more riding right here in the city than we ever imagined…
We want to keep the stoke level high and even in these crazy, uncertain times have a bit of fun. To that end we’re having a contest. Open up Instagram and tag @nwtrailalliance and use the hashtag #NWTAridesfromhome to show us where you are riding to from home to enter. We’ll be keeping a close eye on our account and trying to repost as many as possible because we need all the good news we can get each day.
How it works:
We will be picking 1 winner at random each week until the “Stay Home, Save Lives” order is lifted. The prize will be a six pack from Hopworks Urban Brewery and a couple of our new NWTA koozies.
Contest Rules:
- You must be over 21 You must be a Northwest Trail Alliance member You must use the hashtag #NWTARIDESFROMHOME and tag @nwtrailalliance in your post. Respect all closed trails and areas CLOSED to cycling. You can only win once – we need to spread the love! Weekly cut-off is 5:00pm Thursday. Contest runs weekly until 6/5! Winner will be notified via direct message in Instagram. You must be willing to swing by Hopworks Urban Brewery on Powell to pick up your prize.
Let’s do this!
Show us your neighborhood epics, urban side jibs and that full block long manual you’ve been working on. Now is not the time to get out to the trails, but we can have fun on our bikes close to home.
Also, in addition to pick up from their Powell location and Hopworks is offering free delivery on orders over $50.00, so even if you don’t win you can order online and get your beer delivered to your doorstep, or pick up beverages at their Powell location. Remember – all bikes are cargo bikes!
Have fun, stay safe, and show us those rides.
*Given the “Stay Home, Save Lives” order from Governor Kate Brown we all need to do our part and limit how far we travel to keep the spread of COVID-19 in check.
It is hard to stay off the mountain bike, but we can still get outside and exercise if we take proper precautions:
- Stay 6 feet away from others when stationary
- Stay farther away when moving
- Don’t go ride in groups
- Only ride with folks you live with
- Wear some sort of mask (also, the pollen situation is pretty crazy, mask is doing double duty)
- Ride well within your comfort zone to ensure you don’t end up in the hospital.
Questions? Email: [email protected]