After an endlessly wet spring, the new Everblades area is ready to open most of the trails. On June 8th, we will be opening the 1.2 mile blue flow/jump trail (Machete), and the 1.2 mile green climb to return (Butter knife). Machete is a flow/jump line with small to medium sized features designed to help riders progress to the larger jumps on some of the other trails at Rocky Point.

The other trail that was part of the Everblades build, the 0.85 mile black flow/jump line called Crosscut will unfortunately not be ready to open for the summer season. Challenging setbacks to machine building resulted in more hand finishing work than we were able to organize for at the end of an already long build season. A panel of expert riders tested the trail in its current state, and they all agree that some reworking is required for the jumps to be safe. The trail will be closed until we have a chance to rework it when the rains return so we can avoid anyone getting hurt. In the meantime, there are plenty of new trails to be stoked on with Machete, Butter Knife, Twisted Sister, and 3 more trails that will be announced in the coming week or so.
A few notes:
- Please remember that Everblades descending requires a return climb on Butter Knife. There is no exit to the Highway. It is private property.
- These new clearcut trails get very slick in the rain. Please only ride them when it is dry.
- This fall additional work is planned to continue to improve the features and flow of the lower section of Machete.
- To see these new trails on Trailforks on your device, make sure to remove and redownload the Oregon region. (unfortunately these trails do not updated automatically in the app).